
by topic:

Selected list (below) (Full list here)

How do workers adjust to robots? Evidence from China (with Yi Lu and Tianyi Wang)  Conditionally Accepted at The Economic Journal

Sleep norms (with Andrea Kiss and Stephanie W. Wang) (AEA P&P, 2024)

Robots, Marriageable Men, Family, and Fertility  (with Massimo Anelli and Luca Stella)  Journal of Human Resources,2024

"The Impact of Right-to-Work Laws on Long Hours and Work Schedules"  (with Rania Gihleb and Jian Qi Tan), Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 2024

Dreaming of Leaving the Nest? Immigration Status and the Living Arragements of DACA-mented (with Rania Gihleb and Jakub Lonsky), European Economic Review, 2023

Intergenerational Transmission of Health at Birth from Mothers and Fathers (with Giulia La Mattina and Climent Quintana-Domeque), Journal of Human Capital, 2023

Immigration and Non-Standard Schedules. Theory and Evidence from the US (with Timothy N. Bond and Jakub Lonsky), European Economic Review, 2023

The Midlife Crisis? (with Sally McManus, Redzo Mujcic, Andrew J. Oswald, Nattavudh Powdthavee, and Ahmed Tohamy),  Economica, November 2022

Why Don’t We Sleep Enough? A Field Experiment Among College Students (with Mallory Avery and Peiran Jiao), Review of Economics and Statistics, 2022

Industrial Robots, Workers' Safety and Health,  (with Rania Gihleb, Luca Stella, and Tianyi Wang) Labour Economics, October 2022, Volume 75 

Globalization, Fertility, and Marital Behavior in a Lowest Low Fertility Setting (with Lorenzo Rotunno and Luca Stella),  Demography, December 2022

Osea Giuntella, Kelly Hyde, Silvia Saccardo and Sally Sadoff Lifestyle and Mental Health Disruptions During COVID-19  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) (February 10, 2021)

Giuntella, Osea, and Jakub Lonsky. "The effects of DACA on health insurance, access to care, and health outcomes." Journal of Health Economics (2020) 

Giuntella, Osea, Matthias Rieger, and Lorenzo Rotunno. "Weight gains from trade in foods: Evidence from Mexico." Journal of International Economics 122 (2020): 103277.

Gihleb, Rania, Osea Giuntella, and Ning Zhang. "The Effect of Mandatory Access Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs on Foster Care Admissions." Journal of Human Resources (January 2021,Vol.57,no.1)

Giuntella, Osea, and Fabrizio Mazzonna. "Sunset time and the economic effects of social jetlag: evidence from US time zone borders." Journal of Health Economics 65 (2019): 210-226

Giuntella, Osea, Catia Nicodemo, and Carlos Vargas-Silva. "The effects of immigration on NHS waiting times." Journal of Health Economics 58 (2018): 123-143.

 Giuntella, Osea, Wei Han, and Fabrizio Mazzonna. "Circadian rhythms, sleep, and cognitive skills: evidence from an unsleeping giant." Demography 54.5 (2017): 1715-1742.

Giuntella, Osea. "Why does the health of Mexican immigrants deteriorate? New evidence from linked birth records." Journal of Health Economics 54 (2017): 1-16.

Giuntella, Osea. "Assimilation and health: Evidence from linked birth records of second-and third-generation Hispanics." Demography 53.6 (2016): 1979-2004.

Giuntella, Osea, and Fabrizio Mazzonna. "Do immigrants improve the health of natives?." Journal of Health Economics 43 (2015): 140-153.

(Full list here)