Time-Use, Sleep & Mental Health

Working papers on time use, sleep, mental health, and wellbeing

Sleep: Educational Impact and Habit Formation (with Sally Sadoff, Silvia Saccardo) 

Balancing the Clock: The Impact of Working Time Regulation on Time Allocation and Well-Being  (with Daniel Banko Ferran and Joan Costa-Font)

Artificial Intelligence and Workers' Wellbeing  IZA DP, October 2023 (with Johannes Koenig and Luca Stella)

Publications on time use, sleep, mental health, and wellbeing

Sleep norms (with Andrea Kiss and Stephanie W. Wang) (AEA P&P, 2024)

Relative Income within the Household, Gender Norms, and Well-being (with Rania Gihleb and Luca Stella)  PLOS ONE 2024

Unhealthy Sleep Assimilation (with Francesco Billari, Fabrizio Mazzonna and Luca Stella) European Sociological Review, 2023

Why Don’t We Sleep Enough? A Field Experiment Among College Students (with Mallory Avery and Peiran Jiao), Review of Economics and Statistics, 2022

The Midlife Crisis? (with Sally McManus, Redzo Mujcic, Andrew J. Oswald, Nattavudh Powdthavee, and Ahmed Tohamy),  Economica, November 2022

``Lifestyle and mental health 1 year into COVID-19” (with Paolo Barbieri, Silvia Saccardo, Sally Sadoff) Scientitic Reports 11, 22349 (2021)

Osea Giuntella, Kelly Hyde, Silvia Saccardo and Sally Sadoff Lifestyle and Mental Health Disruptions During COVID-19 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) (February 10, 2021)

Osea Giuntella, Jakub Lonsky, Fabrizio Mazzonna and Luca Stella Immigration Policy and Immigrants’ Sleep. Evidence from DACA   Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (December, 2020)

Giuntella, Osea, and Fabrizio Mazzonna. "Sunset time and the economic effects of social jetlag: evidence from US time zone borders." Journal of Health Economics 65 (2019): 210-226

 Giuntella, Osea. "Has the growth in “fast casual” Mexican restaurants impacted weight gain?." Economics & Human Biology 31 (2018): 115-124.

Billari, Francesco C., Osea Giuntella, and Luca Stella. "Broadband internet, digital temptations, and sleep." Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 153 (2018): 58-76.

 Giuntella, Osea, Wei Han, and Fabrizio Mazzonna. "Circadian rhythms, sleep, and cognitive skills: evidence from an Unsleeping giant." Demography 54.5 (2017): 1715-1742.

Becchetti, Leonardo, Stefano Castriota, and Giovanni Osea Giuntella. "The effects of age and job protection on the welfare costs of inflation and unemployment." European Journal of Political Economy 26.1 (2010): 137-146